Health Care

The Benefits Of All Over Body Moisturising.

We are experiencing longer summers nowadays, and also a lot more sunny days throughout the whole year. For many, this is a huge plus, but with additional sunshine, comes other issues. It is exposing our skin and our bodies to the harmful effects of UV rays for longer, and many of us are failing to rehydrate properly and our health suffers as a consequence. Many of us just don’t have the time or the finances to visit spas or health clubs, and we need to find a way that is effective, but also very affordable.

Go on, treat yourself.

One way to provide your body with the necessary moisture that it needs, is to apply body lotion which helps to seal the moisture into your skin, so that you don’t end up with dry, flaky skin and your body doesn’t age before its time. The following are some of the many benefits of an all over body moisturising routine.

  1. Skin re-hydration – Many body moisturisers have living oils added, which help to give a more natural solution to your dry skin woes. Many of us suffer with dry points on our bodies, like hands, elbows, knees and heels. More people now have sensitive skin and so using natural living oils within the body moisturizer, all help to reduce inflammation.
  1. Feels good & smells good – There is no better feeling than rubbing essential moisturising cream into your aching muscles and bones. Taking the time to apply the moisturiser to your whole body is a relaxation method, that helps to calm the nerves and release built up stress. The aromas from the cream act as a kind of aromatherapy, which helps to calm our nerves and relax our brains.
  1. Total relaxation – A number of body moisturisers have natural essential ingredients like peppermint, ginger, and aloe vera, and these all help to add warmth to your skin and body, and in some cases, some tingling, to liven up the skin. Having the cream rubbed into your skin through massage movements, helps to alleviate stress, reduce body pain, and just gives you an overall great feeling.

Once in a while, you need to treat yourself, and one way to do that effectively is to apply an all over body moisturiser. With its added natural ingredients, it is sure to give a much-needed boost to your immune system, and you, in turn, will feel much better within yourself.








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